:: El infierno no es tan malo como lo pintan... ::Siempre que uno pueda y quiera escribir las chorradas inútiles que se le ocurran- llámense ''pensamientos profundos'' o no- es un deber personal el aprovechar la oportunidad, no? | ||||||||||||||
:: Bienvenidos a El infierno no es tan malo como lo pintan... :: bloghome | opinen!! :: | ||||||||||||||
:: sábado, marzo 24, 2007 :: " are we heading towards it? " I feel angry... have you ever felt that feeling that just contorts your spine and makes you so tight that no matter how much you make your column snap, it's still there, knotting not just your back muscles, but also your stomach and makes you frown your face from the inside, so no one can see and tell you that your face looks like if something aches, and they better not say it, cause you just wouldn't put up and really don't know if you'd snap worse than any vertebrae and aren't really sure how you'd react???